Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a lovely Christmas.
Zoe is scared of Santa, so we had to assure her that he wasn't coming to see her.  He just visited and left her some gifts for being a good girl!
Santa knows what everyone needs--he sent Rosie diapers!  We are so blessed to have TWO girls in our family!

Thanks to everyone who sent our girls special gifts!!  Merry Christmas!

Baby Rosie Christine

Thanksgiving 2012: our last family photo of the three of us!

Really uncomfortable.

Monday, Nov. 26 (After a doctor's appointment where I scheduled an induction for Thursday night, Nov. 29).  I was actually in labor at this point--just not with consistent contractions

My last belly photo on Weds. Nov. 28 on the way to Beaufort Memorial Hospital.  Rosie would be born less than an hour later...

After my body just sort of pushed her out...Introducing ROSIE CHRISTINE!  Wednesday, November 28, 2012.  9:13am. 8 pounds, 18 1/4 inches long.  Baby sumo wrestler delivered by 6 nurses into the arms of the antepartum nurse, Sandy.

First family photo (without Big Sister Zoe)


Mimi and her girls

Love at first sight...

Sweet, sweet girl

Mama and her girl

Delivered by Werner, Royal and Csakany

Our greeting from our friends Heather and Lily Dougherty

Dr. Royal accessorized Rosie!

Aunt Amy visits!

Dada and his girls

Getting to know you...

Zoe is interested in hugging on and loving on Rosie

Early morning greetings!

Happy Vermilyea girls!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stationery card

Sweet Merry Dots Christmas Card
Custom Christmas cards are always available at
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Zoe Turns TWO!

Zoe turned two today.  Here she is opening some gifts.

More reading

Z loves to read...

Even in the car.

The Actual Reveal

Here's a cliff's notes version...

The Reveal

(For those of you who haven't seen this...)
It's very long, but this is how our dear friends, Paige and Scott, revealed to us the sex of Baby Number Two, who is due to arrive around December 8, 2012.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Zoe at 20 months

18 months old (April 2012)

This is very sweet.  Zoe with her cousin, Kynslee

Hello, Again!

We have taken a hiatus from blogging, but are still here!
Baby Zoe is now 20 months old, and is a little spitfire!   She talks a lot, not all the time understood, but is determined to get her point across.  She has had a lot of changes in her life since the last post.  We started her in day care in March, and she now goes full time.  We're still adjusting.
She has been sick a LOT, and has brought a great many germs home to us as well.  One more ear infection and we are looking at an ENT referral for tubes in her ears.  Yikes.
This weekend, Jody and I are headed away for a quick little rest in Charleston at this place.  Z will stay with GreyBeard and Grammy and should have a BLAST.  We're ready for a little time away.
And...we're expecting Baby Number Two in early December.  So...Baby Zoe will become Big Sister Zoe.  And there will be a new Baby Vermilyea in town.  We're excited, but nervous.  What will this new adventure bring?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012