Monday, January 17, 2011

4 months

Zoe will be 4 months old tomorrow.
Today she had her four-month-check up and shots.  It's always hard to go to these appointments since Zo is always SO happy and smiley.  Once she has her shots, she's sad, fussy, and spends the rest of the day alternating between sleep and nursing.  I have to say I completely love the fact that she's been snuggling with me all day!

Tomorrow will be a better day for her and she won't remember she had the shots.  And she'll get to snuggle on her Mimi and JimDaddy all day!

11 pounds, 2 ounces (5th percentile)
23.5 inches (25th percentile)
15 3/4inch head (25th percentile)

 We are so in love.

I promised!

I figured out why I didn't have any updated photos, but felt like I had taken some.  They were on Dad's camera!!

As promised, here are a few of some more recent photographs.

Sleeping Beauty (with paci)

Flying Zo
Pure love.

silly smile

Looks like my mom

And the super best one?!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog slacker

So...I have been slacking on the blogging.  Also slacking on the taking of photographs.  I think I'd better get on it.

Right now Zoe is sitting with Jody.  They are listening to music.  So far Zoe really likes Chariots of Fire?! She stops what she's doing and looks at the computer and makes all sorts of noise.

She found her voice this week.  Started to sing and talk to JimDaddy and continued with GreyBeard and with us, too.  It's so hilarious!  She just coos, chortles, and appears to be trying to talk!  Yesterday she was lying on her back in the church pew and was singing during the sermon!  What do babies think about?  Doesn't really matter as long as this one's happy.

Right now Daddy is singing to her and she's staring him down! I'll try to get some photos and videos.

Little Bunny Foo Foo...

Saturday, January 8, 2011


No words necessary.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Me and My JimDaddy

Happy New Year!

Yesterday I spent part of the day with my VGs (Vermilyea Grands).  After church, we had lunch together at their house and I showed them some of my new tricks.  Mom says that just overnight I became a different baby. I don't know what she means, but I guess it's a good thing.  I did something called laughing the other day, and then today I turned over from my tummy to my back!! I didn't think it was such a big deal, but Mom, Dad, Mimi and JimDaddy all clapped and cheered!

Here are a few videos and photos from my afternoon.

The first is where my dad is trying to get me to laugh.
This is where they're trying to get me to turn over.

And another where they're trying to get me to turn over and I am NOT having it.

As you can see, I am not going to perform in public. So there.

New tricks

I can hold my head up!

I love her!

Little Miss Big

Why do I like this picture?!

Bonus photo!