Friday, September 23, 2011

Z's Garden Tea Party

Check out the photos from Zoe's amazing festivities here!
A tiny preview:

On September 18, 2011, we celebrated a milestone: Zoe turned one! And we kept her alive! More a milestone for her...or us?
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Just a start...but here she is, all covered in cake. One-year-old-Zoe.
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Saturday, September 10, 2011

11 Months

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First sick day

This week we celebrated another milestone--one we wouldn't like too much to repeat.  Zoe had her first sick day.  She woke us up in the middle of the night between Tuesday and Wednesday and had a fever.  She was so unlike herself--groggy, clingy, and groaning.  We weren't sure what was wrong, but slept the night in shifts in the recliner.

Wednesday was not much better.  We decided to take her to the doctor and found she had double ear infections.  She had a fever of 103 and was pretty miserable.  Enter: Amoxicillan.  After only one dose of it, along with some numbing ear drops and tylenol, Zoe was much better.  Slept another night in the recliner (J took the early shift, and I took the late one!), and then it was Daddy's turn to be sick on Thursday.  Zoe continued being "busy" and went to her Mimi and JimDaddy's.  Got them sick, too.

Things are better each day.  We made it to 3am yesterday morning before Jody slept with her in the recliner, and to 4:30am today until they moved to their place.  Z definitely seems to favor her daddy right now--maybe it's because of his stature and ability to make her feel safe and comfortable.  Either way, if he's around, he's it.

Right now she's sitting on the floor behind me reading her books.  This has become a favorite pastime of late, and we are enjoying the last weeks of her first year!  On to bigger and better things...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Almost one...

...and we're walking!!
We got home from work on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 (that's for Zoe when she's reading this in 2033), and Mimi and JimDaddy told us that Zoe had been walking ALL DAY LONG!  What a bittersweet feeling.  I cried, but felt this overwhelming sense of pride.  What a big girl! No doubt on her first birthday she'll be running around!
Enjoy these videos.  Make sure you watch the last as it's the icing on the walking cake.  In the meantime, we're planning for the first-birthday-garden-tea-party!