My parents are good people, but I'm not sure I can still trust them! They keep telling me this is for my own good--whatever that means. They tell me I don't want Polio--whatever that is. But me? I'm not so sure. I just know they weren't too nice to me this morning.
As you can see in this photograph of me (taken with Mommy's phone) I was in great spirits. I woke up as cheerful as I usually do, had some good morning meals, snuggled in bed with Mom, had a few great pees and poops, and got dressed in a lovely outfit. They put me in the car. We began to ride (one of my favorite pastimes) and we arrived at the nice doctor's office. The nice nurses measured and weighed me, I pooped on them, I met a new doctor who was nice to me, and all seemed right with the world.
Until that nurse came back. She came in and told me I was going to get three shots, an oral medicine and Tylenol. What the heck?! I trusted that lady! I ate the medicine she gave me! She said it would be good for me! And Mom and Dad just sat there and watched.
Then, BAM! It happened. I got sharp things shoved in my legs! What did I do to deserve this? Mom and Dad are always telling me what a good girl I am. Why did I have to be pinched? And why did Mom and Dad DRIVE me to this place? I am NOT happy about this.
It's been a rough day since. I'm cranky and feeling sort of hot. Mommy said it's okay and normal for me to be hot. I've spent a lot of time nursing and sucking on my pacifier. I got more of that good tasting Tylenol stuff and I felt a bit better. I even decided to smile at Mom and Dad! Mom put me on my tummy for tummy time and I really enjoyed it. It was good to have a little time to myself. Mom told me the next few days are going to be filled with family passing me around.
Okay. Now I think I'll fuss. It might be nice to have a little lovin' from Mama.
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