Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Dear Zoe,
Yesterday you had a really tough day.
Your little teeth are starting to come through, and you are pretty uncomfortable.
Your grandfather, JimDaddy, and grandmother, Mimi, went to Charleston to check on JimDaddy's eye.  He will have corneal replacement surgery on June 8.  Daddy drove them up there to lend support and so they didn't have to drive the long distance alone.  Our friend, Jackie, AKA, Ma, went with them.
You came to work with me for a few hours so I could get a few little administrative things done.  Usually this would have been very easy, but you were NOT having it.  You didn't want your friends (JD and Russell) or your grandfather, GreyBeard, to hold you.  You only wanted your mama!  You didn't want to be put down--you wanted to be held!
You fell asleep for a bit and when you woke up, cried pretty hard.
We went home and got you some tylenol.  Aunt Amy gave you some baby orajel, and you seemed to be much better.
I felt like I needed to chronicle this event, not because it's terribly interesting or exciting, but because you are a very good-natured baby and it's so unusual for you to have a "bad day."
Aunt Amy and I discussed this.  Teething is hard for the baby who is "cutting teeth," but it's also very hard on the mamas who can't help their babies.  You can't tell us what is hurting or what you need! You are chewing on everything and are drooling a lot.
You continue to spoil us rotten each day.  Last night you slept for 10 hours and barely made a peep.  The night before you woke up several times.  We now know that this is because you're teething and were VERY uncomfortable.
You're 7 months old now, and are growing each day.  It's hard to keep up!
I hope that one day, when you look back on this blog/journal, you will appreciate the many milestones we're trying to capture in words, video, and photos.
We love you dearly, and can't wait to see what surprises are in store tomorrow!

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